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  • Disse ældre berømtheder er stadig i live og godt- se dem nu

    Wow, kan du tro tidens gang? Vi er glade for, at tv- og filmteknologi har gjort det muligt at se ældre stjerner i deres bedste alder! Du kan dog blive overrasket over at høre, at det ikke har været så lang tid siden Hollywoods guldalder. Faktisk har det kun været et par årtier siden da. […] More

  • Als Greyes Ärzte ihre Peelings gegen den silbernen Bildschirm tauschten

    Wir sind so daran gewöhnt, Ellen Pompeo als Meredith Grey, Patrick Dempsey als Derek “McDreamy” Shepherd, Sandra Oh als Cristina Yang und Eric Dane als Mark “McSteamy” Sloan zu sehen, dass es ziemlich seltsam ist, sich vorzustellen, dass sie eine andere Rolle übernehmen. Aber viele von ihnen haben auf der leinwand gespielt. Einige haben sogar […] More

  • 6 Ways to Incorporate Examples into Your eLearning Courses

    With incredible model comes extraordinary information power. While you don’t have to set yourself ablaze to discover that fire is hot, being informed that it’s essential to put out a lit cigarette isn’t as viable as recounting an account of how a solitary cigarette copied down a whole house to get somebody to make sure […] More

  • Factors That Affect the Transfer of Training

    Move of learning alludes to the “capacity of a learner to apply the conduct, information, and abilities gained in one learning circumstance to another.”1 It’s what makes an employment simpler and quicker as a student turns out to be more gifted on the grounds that they can apply what they definitely know. There are three […] More

  • The 6 Laws of Learning No Instructional Designer Can Afford to Ignore

    You may pack your courses with huge loads of pertinent substance and wonderful visuals, yet in the event that they don’t make a mark in the student’s brain, they have fizzled in their motivation. It’s an ideal opportunity to STOP spending long hours chipping away at courses that students fail to remember the second they complete […] More

  • The True Cost of Not Providing Employee Training

    When a light wears out, do you discard the light? On the off chance that you do, at that point you are either unbelievably rich or perhaps have something strange for new lights I presume. Yet, on the off chance that you’re similar to most of the light possessing world, at that point you probably […] More

  • How to make new hire online training more human

    Onboarding can for all time shape another representative’s perspective on their work environment. Is there an approach to do it practically while keeping an individual touch? In this article, we talk about 4 different ways to adapt fresh recruit web based preparing. Step by step instructions to create a warm, recently recruited employee web based preparing program […] More

  • What to avoid when repurposing your elearning content

    Altering your current internet preparing content is a savvy approach to redesign your web based preparing materials. Shockingly, it’s not as straightforward as redoing the shading plan or breaking online classes into scaled down recordings. This article includes some repurposing traps to evade. Repurposing eLearning Content: 8 entanglements to stay away from Repurposing is a […] More

  • The must-have training activities for your new managers

    Your new group pioneers need to help their colleagues and set the correct model. On the whole, they need to get prepared. Is it accurate to say that you are giving them the urgent onboarding internet preparing assets to set them up for progress? New supervisor preparing exercises to remember for web based onboarding preparing […] More

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